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Episodes tagged “Chris Higgins”

In this bonus episode, Pat Gibbons describes his experiences at the Qualtrics X4 event in Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 1-3. With thousands of experience management professionals in attendance, Pat had an opportunity to discuss the top challenges facing XM professionals within their own organizations. Hosted at the Walker exhibit booth, professionals were asked to participate in an unique exercise that demonstrated the concerns experience management leaders are facing.

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Quick Tips Minicast: How many survey types are there?

Quick Tips Minicast: How many survey types are there?

Released: January 4, 2024 • Episode #5

Most customer experience pros know about transactional and relational surveys, but did you know there's a third kind of survey you may need to use? Add the confusion of which surveys are best sent often or once a year, versus how long they should be, it can get frustrating for you - or your customer - on deciding what survey to use when. Walker expert Heather Koiro clears up the "survey confusion" with her Quick Tip Minicast!

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What is the Walker Loyalty Matrix?

What is the Walker Loyalty Matrix?

Released: November 30, 2023 • Episode #4

Companies often struggle with knowing their customer's needs and why they actually stay customers. Are they happy? Are they looking elsewhere for their needs? Why are they not happy? Segmenting these customers into a loyalty scale is common, but not necessarily actionable. On this episode of The CX Leader Quick Tips Minicast, Michelle Buretta, a vice president at Walker, shares how the Walker Loyalty Matrix™ provides businesses with a practical means to leverage the voice of the customer for improved business performance.

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How many questions should I have in my survey?

How many questions should I have in my survey?

Released: October 19, 2023 • Episode #3

You're ready to get going on gathering customer feedback, but there's always that looming question: what will we ask them and how much is too much survey? On this edition of The CX Leader Quick Tips Minicast, Walker expert Molly Work gives helpful advice on how to determine the right amount of questions to ask in a survey.

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How can I improve my response rates?

How can I improve my response rates?

Released: September 28, 2023 • Episode #2

You've planned a great program for gaining customer feedback, but there's just one problem: a low response rate. On this edition of The CX Leader Quick Tips Minicast, Walker expert Drew Hall has some advice on how to manage your lists to encourage a healthier response rate, therefore gathering a better quality of customer feedback.

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CX Horror Stories V: The CX Apocalypse

CX Horror Stories V: The CX Apocalypse

Released: October 31, 2022 • Episode #240

What would the world look like if customer experience simply... disappeared? How would anyone receive support? How would companies know what products work? How would you be able to hire someone to fix your dishwasher? In this special episode of The CX Leader Podcast, producer Chris Higgins assembles a panel of experts from Walker to perform a terrifying thought experiment worthy of an episode of The Twilight Zone: imagine a world without customer experience. Panelists include Walker experts Brett DeWitt, TJ O'Neil, Liz Wallshield, and Job Willman.

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Turn Back Time: Employee Experience

Turn Back Time: Employee Experience

Released: July 5, 2022 • Episode #223

We’ve had some great guests on the show recently and the importance of the employee experience has started to emerge as a notable topic. Many guests emphasize the need for companies to empower and trust their employees to make decisions that improve the customer experience. In this episode of our “Turn Back Time” take home value series, producer Chris Higgins highlights some of the take home value offered from our guest in regards to employee experience.

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Turn Back Time… Again!

Turn Back Time… Again!

Released: July 6, 2021 • Episode #173

It’s that time of year when producer Chris Higgins takes a moment to look back on some of the excellent advice from past guests on The CX Leader Podcast. Having covered a variety of topics from mystery shopping, CX in government, and even how one of the “happiest places on earth” executes their customer experience, there's a vast number of "take home value" segments to choose from, but this episode focuses on four particularly insightful tips for CX leaders.

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Turn Back Time: Thanksgiving

Turn Back Time: Thanksgiving

Released: November 24, 2020 • Episode #143

It's Thanksgiving week in the United States and The CX Leader Podcast is grateful for all the amazing talent that has offered their insights and knowledge to the greater customer experience community. Producer Chris Higgins shares some highlights of "Take-home value" from Shane Green, Kirsten Allegri Williams, Jake Sorofman, Seth Fritz, and Janelle Dieken.

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Released: November 26, 2019 • Episode #94

It's Thanksgiving here in the United States and we've dedicated an episode to sharing some short stories of customer experiences that made a positive difference in people's lives. Producer Chris Higgins hosts an episode with stories that include industries such as retail, automotive, restaurants, government agencies, and hospitality.

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