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Episodes tagged “patient experience”

Talk Less, Listen More

Talk Less, Listen More

Released: July 9, 2024 • Episode #323

What’s the first thing you think of when asked, “how well do you listen?” Many CX professionals might think of their listening systems: surveys, close-loop feedback, listening architectures. Some may say they interact with clients on a regular basis. But what about actively listening? Talking less and letting others express themselves, and then reassuring them that the conversation was worth it. Host Sara Walker welcomes Marisa Schwartz, senior regional medical director for St. Luke’s University Health Network, to discuss the importance of active listening.

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Rounds and Rounds We Go

Rounds and Rounds We Go

Released: May 14, 2024 • Episode #316

It’s common today that, as consumers, we receive a survey after all kinds of experiences – shopping, travel, home repair – you name it. You fill out a survey with the hope that it might change the next outcome to be better. But what about the here and now? As experience management improves consumers are demanding action during the experience. Now think of yourself not only as a consumer, but as a patient and the timeliness of feedback and action becomes that much more important. Host Pat Gibbons welcomes Laura Anning, Chief of Patient Experience for Washington Hospital Healthcare System, and Liz Wallshield, Senior Technology Consultant at Walker, for a discussion on using patient rounding as a way to quickly action on feedback.

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The Digital Patient Experience

The Digital Patient Experience

Released: April 25, 2023 • Episode #264

We’ve been talking more about the patient experience on this show and how CX practices can be applied in the healthcare industry. In fact, Walker just released a report on the subject: “PX: Designing Better Patient Experiences.” Host Steve Walker welcomes Nicole Richendollar, an associate video president, and Emily Chesnut, a senior project manager, both at Walker, for a discussion on how digital surveys can benefit closed-loop follow-up, or as it’s known in the healthcare space, “service recovery.”

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Patient vs. Customer Experience

Patient vs. Customer Experience

Released: March 21, 2023 • Episode #259

When it comes to your health or the health of a loved-one, it gets personal. That’s why it’s so important for healthcare providers to pay attention to the patient experience (PX). It can be different from customer experience, but there are similarities, and just like B2C experiences are influencing how B2B companies design and execute their programs, there are some things that patient experience pros can learn from the CX world. Host Steve Walker welcomes Kim Gerber, a patient experience professional, for a discussion on better understanding the difference and similarities between PX and CX.

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Putting the Humanity Back Into Patient Experience

Putting the Humanity Back Into Patient Experience

Released: February 28, 2023 • Episode #256

Healthcare in the United States is a complex, and often a divisive subject. With some healthcare companies focused on the bottom line, family practitioners can get overwhelmed and have little time to develop relationships with their patients. So when a company comes along and says that there IS a way for doctors to spend better time and provide better care – in other words, putting the humanity back into the experience – then it’s definitely worth exploring! Host Steve Walker welcomes Jamey Lutz, managing director of brand and service excellent at ChenMed, for a discussion on how their company puts the humanity back into patient experience.

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Trends in Patient Experience

Trends in Patient Experience

Released: July 19, 2022 • Episode #225

Health is a deeply personal topic and these last few years have pushed healthcare institutions into making unprecedented changes in how they deliver that care. Naturally, this has had an impact on the patients’ experience. XM professionals in healthcare institutions must be mindful that patients are NOT customers, and design programs accordingly to improve the patient experience. Host Steve Walker welcomes Sarah Andrews, vice president for advisory services at Walker, and Sarah Gilstrap, a senior consultant for healthcare customer experience and an XM scientist at Qualtrics, for a discussion on trends in patient experience.

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