A resource for customer experience (CX) and experience management (XM) professionals.
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Episodes tagged “CX program”

It's human nature to compare what we do professionally – and even personally – with others and CX leaders are no different. So Walker, along with the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA), launched The CX Leader Pulse as a way to give customer experience professionals a look into what companies are, and are not, doing within their CX programs. The results of the first study are in and host Pat Gibbons welcomes Walker’s own Troy Powell, Vice President of Strategy & Analytics, and Greg Melia, CEO of the CXPA, to discuss what was discovered.

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The Ingredients to Make an Impact

The Ingredients to Make an Impact

Released: August 3, 2021 • Episode #177

Customer experience professionals have an opportunity to help create a genuine and lasting impact on their companies. But like any other aspect of an organization, there are some key elements – or “ingredients” – they need to make the right impact. And each company’s needs will be different, so it's important to know what ingredients are needed for their specific situations. Host Steve Walker welcomes Stacey Nevel, director of voice of the customer at Prudential Financial and a member of the board of directors for the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA), for a discussion on what ingredients are needs to create an impactful CX program.

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Round and Round We Go

Round and Round We Go

Released: April 6, 2021 • Episode #160

CX professionals understand the difficulties in expanding existing programs: organizational silos, by-in from leadership, sunsetting older programs… It’s a stressful task. However, a recent study by the Qualtrics XM Institute discovered that programs successful at expanding throughout their company have a common “cycle” to how they operate. Host Steve Walker welcomes Ben Granger, the principal XM catalyst at the Qualtrics XM Institute to discuss the “XM Diffusion Cycle,” a “set of techniques that allow organizations to strategically expand [experience management].”

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Buy-in From the Top

Buy-in From the Top

Released: March 13, 2019 • Episode #59

A discussion on the importance of executive support and for your CX program and how the organization’s culture can make or break your CX efforts. Steve welcomes customer experience leaders Brian Daniell and Chris Lawton from Deltek to discuss how they developed and continue to maintain a successful customer experience program.

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